Gooddeed compost bin
Gooddeed compost bin

gooddeed compost bin

How much does this affect your wallet? Food waste in the average home costs about $1,500 per year. is wasted at some point in the supply chain. Releases nutrients slowly, so there’s no risk of burning your plantsĭid you know? The FDA estimates that between 30-40 percent of food in the U.S.Helps you rely less on chemical fertilizers.Saves you money - no need to buy compost at the store.Returns kitchen and yard waste to the Earth, not to the trash.Use it as a soil amendment or as a mulch to suppress weeds and regulate soil temps.Good for all soil types: Increases water and nutrient holding capacity for sandy soils and increases drainage in heavy (clay) soils.Whether you’re a gardener, lawn aficionado, or Earth lover, home composting has something to offer you. Why? Home composting reuses food that would otherwise end up in landfills and turns your grocery dollars into something that adds value to your lawn or garden. Topdressing is often done when you aerate, fertilize, and overseed.Įnvironmentalists also sing the praises of home composting. What if you’re interested in lawn health? Compost can be used to topdress your lawn, which helps to improve the soil structure. Compost provides slow-release nutrients, improves the soil structure, and improves your soil’s ability to hold (or drain) water. Compost is one of the easiest, cheapest ways to do that and is hailed by gardeners, lawn gurus, and environmentalists alike.Ĭompost is prized by gardeners who want to enhance the health and structure of their soil. If you’re reading this article, you probably want to improve your soil health and help preserve the environment. This means when leaves, yard waste, and food scraps break down, they turn into something that can go back to the land to improve the health of soils, lawns, and crops.

gooddeed compost bin

#Gooddeed compost bin how to

How to build a chicken wire compost binĬompost is a decomposed mixture of yard and kitchen waste that you can use to improve and fertilize your soil.

Gooddeed compost bin